Sweet Mystery Behind the Smile

A smile has a more in meaning than just a cheerful expression. Curvature of the lips suggests a social communication.

The author Marianne LaFrance in his new book 'Lip Service' wrote that every smile is a social magnet, the parameters of trust, a spreader device anger, bargaining tools, to tools to maintain social bonds.

That is why, a smile on his face an expression of the most quickly recognized. "No matter if it's the smile grin, grinning scary, or radiant, everything has meaning," said LaFrance, Professor of Psychology at Yale University. He added, a smile even influential in politics, work, relationships, and culture.

Though smiling often signifies happiness, these expressions also convey various emotions ranging from comfort, embarrassment, fraud until insulting.

His study said, there are differences in how men and women smiling. Average woman smile more than men. One reason, says LaFrance, is a biological reason.

Researchers discover primary smile muscle, known as the zygomaticus larger and thicker in women than men. Second, a work area that most women need more socialization than men. And, generally women are more likely to have the desire to socialize.

"Women often helps maintain a social activity, reduce conflict, and care about the emotional lives of others," adds LaFrance.

Although the smile is usually an expression of no dark side of it positive. Like smiling at hiding their feelings or being sarcastic. "A smile is a mask that is great," said LaFrance.

"A smile is a most convenient approach when other approaches do not work,"

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